Non-invasive cosmetic treatment courses

Filler, Botox, Threads

non surgical beauty treatment

Learn Non-surgical Beauty Treatments with Korea Mikwang Beauty Academy

You may have experienced the power of fillers, botox, and threads. These non-invasive cosmetic treatments, or non-surgical aesthetic procedures can improve your skin within a few minutes, leaving the desired effect for a long time, with minimal side effects. Enhance your skills and expand your knowledge with our beauty courses.
  • Skin brightening and illumination
  • Improved contours
  • Face lifting or improving the sagging skin
    (tissue lift, brow lift, chin lift, V-lined chin, removing marionette lines, etc.)
  • Improving wrinkles and dullness
  • Effective anti-aging

What is required for non-invasive cosmetic treatments?

Using the innate power

The concept of non-invasive beauty treatments is to use the natural regenerative process that our skin has. In order to use the healing procedure, professional aestheticians must understand the human body. From facial anatomy, bones, and muscles to the formerly inevitable aging process.

Minimally invasive Methods

Professional aestheticians use MTS (microneedling treatment system), lasers, mesotheraphy injectors, RF (radio frequency), cannulas, needles, etc. to apply non-invasive beauty treatments.

Rejuvenating injectables

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments use the self-healing properties of the human system. That is why most injectables are synthesized from natural ingredients.

Safe yet effective injectables

SKINcare goodies from the inside

Just let us name a few of the effective materials. What makes Mikwang special in non-surgical beauty treatment courses is that we have been chosen by professional aestheticians, even doctors around the world.
This industry is growing and highly skilled aestheticians enjoy the benefits of our courses. These magical skills will invite customers to your salon.

contact us to get to know better

Hyaluronic Acid

Naturally found compounds inside our skin. It holds moisture, making the skin plump and young. Aestheticians can inject this natural ingredient with derma pens, MTS, needles, etc.

EGF (epidermal growth factor)

One of the naturally found peptides inside our skin. As the name suggests, it orders our cells to work and regenerate. Sadly, we lose a lot of them as we grow older. However, professional aestheticians can slow down the aging process by directly injecting this material inside the skin.

(poly L-lactic acid)

Made from lactic acid, which can be found in milk or plants. It has been used for half a century (wow!), proving its effectiveness and safety.
When injected inside the skin with a cannula (a thick needle), it works wonders by promoting collagen generation.
This highly versatile material can be injected in the form of reconstituted solution or threads!

PDO (polydioxanone)

One of the main ingredients of magical thread-lifting technology. It has originally been used as surgical sutures; however, PDO and other materials are synthesized to lift sagging skin in an effective way.